You'll be too busy singing, acting, painting, dancing, playing and creating to realize you're even learning!
Welcome to Chabad Hebrew School, where children never want to miss a day!
Chabad Hebrew School will focus on educating children through art, music, and drama, enabling them to experience the ideas and ideals which are taught in a relevant and artistic manner. Additionally, we offer the Aleph Champ program, a detailed curriculum geared towards learning the Hebrew language.
As a trend setter in creative Jewish education, our innovative program will inspire a love for our rich ancient heritage, with the creativity and beauty of modern-day art. Every session will focus on one of the arts, offering a hands-on experience to truly understand it's depth, meaning, and connection to Judaism. Our incredible staff caters their individual attention to each and every student, ages five through thirteen and promises to engage each child on their level instilling enthusiasm and Jewish pride.
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We rethought the Hebrew School experience, and created a Jewish program that is relevant, engaging, fun, vibrant and alive.With years of experience and growth under our belt, Chabad Hebrew School is an innovative program for Jewish kids that illustrates the joys and relevance of tradition, promotes a strong sense of culture, traditional Jewish values and fosters a generation of inspired and engaged Jewish leaders/advocates.
Our lessons focus on creating a relevant learning experience, with open discussions, hands-on activities and guided explorations, allowing the students to explore Judaism in a way that is meaningful and relatable. Our commitment to excellence ensures that our lessons and programming are constantly being developed, promoting an unparalleled, cutting-edge learning experience.
The Chabad Hebrew School environment is open and non-judgemental; we welcome Jewish families from all backgrounds and no affiliation is necessary. We acknowledge and respect the diversity of our children while emphasizing Jewish values of family, community, caring, joy, tradition and rituals. Our core philosophy, consistent with the Talmudic dictum, is to see each child as a world of their own, endowed with a unique soul and infinite potential. We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all education and cater our program to the needs of each student.
We don’t look at Judaism as a set of rituals or a collection of rules; we view it as a meaningful way of life. Our programs are designed to be engaging and interactive and our professional staff are trained to encourage questions and promote student interaction. We endeavor to teach the beauty of our traditions and the richness of Jewish life through comprehensive and experiential learning, holiday celebrations, and community events. Joy-filled years at CHS will build a strong Jewish identity within our students and empower them to use Jewish values as a guide to the decisions of life, community, and life-long learning and teaching.
Through the years at CHS, your child will learn and gain an appreciation of Jewish festivals and history, traditions and Mitzvot, Israel, Jewish moral values, and general Jewish trivia.
Your child will use art, music, drama, and a host of creative activities, to learn the Jewish holidays, discover the Jewish heroes and heroines that have shaped our history, and explore Jewish traditions and values.
Throughout our curriculums, your child will learn the importance of being a ‘mentsch’ – a moral, compassionate, responsible and giving individual – and be encouraged to take responsibility and leadership roles in their home and school environments. Jewish heritage has never been so relevant, meaningful and alive.
Mastering Hebrew will enable your child to connect with their heritage and meaningfully participate in Jewish experiences. At CHS we prepare your children to fully experience Hebrew through our syllabus of reading, writing and learning basic conversational Hebrew.
Our motivational Aleph Champ reading program enables children to master Hebrew reading skillfully and quickly – at their own pace.
The Chagim (Holidays) are a major focus at CHS and are always preceded with projects, crafts, and carnivals. Your child will have fun learning about the Holidays and come home excited to celebrate and share their beautiful stories, songs and messages.
There’s always a fun and creative program leading up to each Jewish Holiday and celebration, and every year we introduce something new. Shabbat learning comes to life with an exuberant Shabbat dinner and/or spirited Havdallah service. Chanukah will see us creating a creative Menorah craft or frying latkes. Tu B’shvat could be celebrated with a “Chopped” style culinary competiton or an edible food craft. Purim might bring a Hamantash Bake-off or costume party. Passover learning may include a Model Matzah Bakery, creative Seder plate craft or chocolate Seder.
Beyond the CHS class setting, we host incredible community Jewish holiday events and family celebrations that bring our learning and heritage to life. From pizza in the hut (aka Sukkot), Public Menorah lightings and Chanukah extravaganzas, a Grand Purim party & masquerade, Lag B’omer BBQ, and a hearty Shavuot ice cream party – our events are heartwarming community celebrations.
Dates & Rates
Sundays 10:00-12:30 PM @ Chabad Viera - 7350 Lake Andrew Drive. Melbourne
For children ages 5-13 | Tuition: $950.00 per child. Payment plans available.
$50 Registration fee ($100 with late registration), $25 book fee & $50 Security Guard fee is due at registration per child.
Register HERE
What days of the week does your Hebrew School take place?
Sundays 10:00 - 12:30
What if my child hasn't had any previous Hebrew school education and we want him/her to join before bar mitzvah?
Firstly, rest assured the non - judgemental approach in our school ensures that your child will be welcomed no matter what level they are holding on.
Our amazing Hebrew reading program matches each of our students with experienced reading coaches. The level of the other students in the class is irrelevant as the coaches work with the child on whatever level they are on currently. Read more about our highly acclaimed Hebrew Reading Aleph Champ program HERE
What if I can't afford the price of Hebrew school?
We have a strong policy that we do not turn any child away due to lack of funds. We have payment plans and scholarships available. For more information please get in touch with our office 321-345-0935 so we can help get your child enrolled today!
What if we aren't a religious family? Will we fit in with the crowd?
At Chabad, all are welcomed with open arms. We pride ourselves on the fact that we have students from all different backgrounds and levels of observance. Everyone feels comfortable and at home equally! Join our Hebrew School family today by registering HERE.
We don't know many Jewish people in the community yet. How can we meet fellow moms and dads?
At Hebrew School we host an array of family events where kids and parents get to mingle and meet each other. Some events we highly recommend are the Hebrew School Shabbat Dinners, Holiday events and Ckids Clubs. The community is warm and welcoming and we look forward to having you join our family!
Adventure to the Holy Land
Aleph Champ
Parent Handbook